19 February 2015

Titanic Thursday...I'm going down with the ship!

If you pretend I am the Titanic, then my life is the giant iceburg...and BAM they crashed, and I sunk to the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again.....until Kate & Leo fell in love, and my life was made into a movie where we all fell in love, and vowed that our love would last forever... "don't let go" has been my catch phrase for awhile..for if I let go, for just a second, my ass was sinking into the abyss, much like Leo did.  Hmmm..maybe not the BEST analogy lol perhaps we shall change it to the past few years instead of my LIFE in general...including up to yesterday of 2015 (aka 2/18/15) which was total hell, ended myself AND my 8year old daughter in the ER...where she ended up being ok and sent home HOURS before me....with a virus, that was made worse by dehydration.  Same diagnoses for me, only to get that diagnosis for me, involved a brain CT (yup, brain is STILL THERE!), 5 vials of blood drawn (though hell, they actually got the vein the very first time!! and he didnt have to dig around, with me trying not to fly off the table, to get the vein! WOOT!) blah blah blah...so...yeah...we have a virus...well..HAD a virus..bc today...guess what?!!? we're o-freaking-k. The dr called to check on my daughter today (same one who sent us TO the ER) and said "oh, well it's likely that the massive pain and high fevers of yesterday were caused by extreme dehydration." Yeeeeeeeep, me thinks so toooooooooo! So did the ER nurse and ER doc lol now, all rehydrated (me via IV and lots of fluids today, her just oral fluids-yay no pokies on my bebe!) we are okiedokie!! Though the dr would rather I keep her home tomorrow, just to be 100% sure. *sigh* Do I HAAAAAAAAVE to? ;) lol I am totally sending the boy to school though. He was 93% well yesterday, and is back at 125% today (ya know, bc each kid steals 25% of mom at birth...which is why mom is never quite right again lol)
Sooooo, yeah...I'm working on recovering all the pieces from my personal shipwreck.  First, I must get health under control...I've been keeping up my drs appts and all that fun stuff.  I've been referred to a surgeon for my back and neck, because PT just wasn't working for me, the pain was getting worse and worse, and the appts were harder and harder to get into, especially with increasing pain, and only the one family vehicle right now. Of course, I've had to reschedule the surgeons appts twice already, 3 appts, 3 cancels. joy. I haven't rescheduled the last one yet, I think they probably hope I dont! lol

I'm really hoping to get back into blogging..and keeping things up to date in general in my life.  Thanks to all the nasty germs that have been running our lives for all of 2015 so far, this weekend and all next week will be spent on a full house DEEP clean.. I'm going to need massive amounts of energy to get through this lol not to mention bleach ;)

I haven't touched my spinning wheel in MONTHS which is so NOT good for it, or for me lol but I have been crocheting a bit..I don't have many of the pictures on the computer (or any really for that matter..but some are on facebook, so I can get them from there) ... here are a few of my most recent finishes...and we will NOT discuss how disgustingly LONG it took me to make these few items LOL or how many WIPs I have going lol and I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to start, to keep my hands busy lol



These are by no means in order, except for the last 2..the Hello Kitty Scarf and the Chevron blanket are the last 2 items I made.  All of these are the only items I've managed to finish or get close to finishing in the last year...and the purple/turquoise/gray shawl still is not done! Neither is the pink/white hat...the rest are done & gifted/homed. :)

I have several items I need to work on..but, as usual...I'm indecisive...and looking for something quick and easy to work on.  Oh pooh, I've also made several hats and baby hats, but have no pictures of those of course, as I give them away before I remember to take a shot!

Alrighty, well I've now spent more time hunting down photos for this post than doing anything else, and it's almost midnight..5am comes SO early!

I wish you many blessings and happy days! And hope to be better about blogging!